Our Roofing Shingles Are Blowing Off! Why Shingles Fail

Roofing Shingles Get a Bad Rap For Wind Damage
“Our shingles are blowing off!” “Help!”
Shingles get a bad rap for blowing off a roof. I see it way too often. The trouble is not the fault of the shingles most of the time. There are cases when there has been a seal failure which can cause shingles to lift. A quality shingle correctly nailed can still withstand high winds. Whenever I see roof shingles missing, it’s often due to poor installation, or the shingle was incredibly cheap. Yes, saving 11% on roofing shingles will cost a person down the road. Why? Because with cheap shingles, even if everything is done right, they still fail. Add on an installation shortcut, and it can be catastrophic. Often shingles are simply nailed wrong. They blow off because the nail that was supposed to catch the shingle below, but it did not. The wind just needs a spot where the sealant failed to begin its work. Even if a shingle is nailed an inch high, it creates leverage that the manufacture did not test for. Why would they test when the directions are usually printed clearly on each package, plus painted guidelines are on each shingle! As the wind works that shingle, it loosens it, and the one flapping loosens others. Suddenly 3-4 shingles are gone with the wind. I hope the tar paper is good in this case.
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Actual shingles blowing off in groups of 2 or 3 or finding shingle tabs in your yard can mean different things. Groups of shingles lost really pinpoint poor install. One section can be affected and one not because of wind direction. One installer can cause the problem on a section of the roof. Nailing wrong once usually results in nailing wrong all of the time. Nobody has trained him/her properly. Here’s a nail gun. . . go shingle. The alternative issue is broken tabs. Finding a little 6” x 12” rectangle means part of a 3 tab shingle broke off. This happens and can be related to shingles just being old and possibly worn out. The key is not finding an entire shingle and just a part. Age vs. install error is what needs to be determined. Replacing shingle and repairing happens all the time. Nickel and dime repairs add up quickly. Call us and we can tell you what’s happening and your insurance company can get involved.
This is a severe shingle blow off. The nails were 2” too high and the shingle was also very inexpensive
When It Comes To Roofing Shingles, Quality Matters
People usually think, “A shingle is a shingle.” It’s not. There can be a difference of 40 pounds per square or 13 pounds per bundle! What does this equate too? Heavier shingles tend to lay down. Heavier shingles have more material, and more material means longer life. The premium shingles in most brands are heavier. Why do manufacturers make light shingles? To sell more roofing shingles. After all, more material means more cost. Less material means less cost and you probably know where this is going . . .less cost on a roof translates to trouble. The real cost of a cheap roof will dig into this.
Roofing shingles are commodities and something that always gets price checked. Shingle manufacturers with middle of the road lines must pick a direction because of the competition. One shingle cannot be everything unless the premium lines are tapped into. Some companies choose a lighter course with some sort of technology that can be legit or a gimmick. Some companies chose weight. When Googling the best shingles, you will become lost in seconds. There are very few benchmarks left without some sort of advertisement. I’ve had lots of experience with many different products. Simply call and ask. We’re here to help.
What Steps Need to be Taken When Shingles Blow Off
Don’t panic, if the tar paper is intact below the shingles you have some protection. I’ve seen roofs depending on this layer of protection for way to long. Don’t be that homeowner Refer to the picture above to understand what I mean. Call us and your insurance agent to get things protected while a decision is made on what should be done with your roof.
About Rooftop Solutions
Looking for a new roof and live in or around New Richland, Albert Lea, Owatonna, or Mankato Minnesota? Maybe you just want to discuss the life left in your roof. Expect an honest and educated answer from me.
Brandon Kroeger 507-400-7663