The Real Cost of a Cheap Roof
Value vs Pricing When Choosing A Roofing Contractor
A Cheap Roof
Missing step flashing means this roof leaked the first day in rained
The Unseen and Long-term Problems Of A Cheap Roof
Value vs. Pricing When Choosing A Roofing Contractor
With roofing companies in the Spring, it can be a race to the cheapest roof. Price is the carrot they dangle in front of their customers, and many take it. To be quite honest, the roofing industry is full of winners and losers, just like any industry. For some reason, homeowners jump at the opportunity to save some money on the most important structure of a home. Roofing businesses tend to be gone in the blink of an eye. It’s very common and I frequently hear, “The last roofing guy we had is now out of business.” Roofing is a business, and the last thing a roofing business owner wants is to come outbreak even after spending a day on a sweltering roof. That’s precisely what happens. The details of insurance and the actual cost of running the business are never understood. Roofing was not a choice, but a way to eke out a living for some. No one has ever heard the phrase muttered, “I’m thinking Business Major or possibly Roofing.” That is why there are huge swings in price from company to company.
The cheap roof guys have cheap help, use a cheap shingle, and ultimately you get the cheap roof. These are the guys that fly by the seat of their pants and most likely gave an estimate on notebook paper with no discussion on what was even happening with the bid. But the important thing is the roof is cheap. Right? Who are the workers on a cheap roof? They have a heartbeat and showed up, and that’s huge in the labor force of today. The trouble is that guy gets a nail gun and is asked to put on shingles without a clue as to how to install shingles properly.
This does not mean the alternative is an expensive roof. The alternative is a fair priced roof. All in all the cheap roof guy probably forgot something important or has their fate sealed. If there’s an issue down the road and a call is made “We’re sorry, this number is no longer in service.”
The important part of all of this as the homeowner is asking the hard questions. The questions that can make a person squirm. “How did you solve your last problem?” “Who does what on your crew?” “Where is the owner, what is their role in this process?”
The cost of a cheap roof is a major headache and will most likely lead to the need to install a roof again sooner than you bargained for.
About Rooftop Solutions
Looking for a new roof and live in or around New Richland, Albert Lea, Owatonna, or Mankato Minnesota? Maybe you just want to discuss the life left in your roof. Expect an honest and educated answer from me.
Brandon Kroeger 507-400-7663